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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse December 21st, 2010: Predictions for all 12 zodiac signs

A lunar eclipse and a long winter solstice night make for one very long dark night…of the soul. An event that hasn’t taken place since 1648 and won’t again until 2094.

These predictions are for the effect of this eclipse over the next 6 months.

It is a significant eclipse in that it is points to a harvest and/or culmination of the last few years of experience and this finality is compounded by the Moon and Sun’s position in an Anaretic degree which is the last degree of a sign at 29 Gemini.

An Anaretic degree points to an issue that must be address this lifetime and one that must be absorbed completely. If the issue is not processed, the effect creates a type of dissolution and disintegration with inertia taking the upper hand. If it is processed, the Being will rearrange itself into a more intelligent system.

The eclipse’s total phase lasted for 72 minutes. The penumbral eclipse began at 05:29:17 Universal Time and the partial eclipse started at 06:32:37 UT. The total eclipse began at 07:40:47 UT and the point of the greatest eclipse occured at 08:16:57 UT.

General Forecast

Within the dark void of this eclipsed Moon, on the darkest day of year, echoes a cacophony of voices from Christmas past, present and future; making this the longest and most intolerable dark night of the soul in hundreds of years. The full moon should promise fulfillment of what was seeded, in this case, three years ago. However, the airy quality of the signs this event takes place in doesn’t lend to creating those rock hard physical events we can count on but instead, flings us without mercy into our deeper thought processes and souls which is probably a much harder environment to deal with.

Mercury’s part in this eclipse will plug us into that insane radio frequency where we hear the babble of every single random opinion we or others have had about ourselves; opinions and views that have shaped what we think of ourselves and what is possible in our lives. You will be surprised to find out how much it really did matter, because those voices wouldn’t be in there whispering and shouting at you right now, if you didn’t find them important.

All this can be somewhat torturous, if there isn’t anything to distract us, and there won’t be any distraction in the silence of the void. There won’t be any promises of future fulfillment in the usual way you or mass consensus reality dangles those shiny objects in front of your eyes and taunts you with plastic pleasures, because this eclipse happens on the last degree of the sign. It’s more like: enough of the analyzing, the superficial and the “talking about it.”

Since there is really no escape; the voices will either overwhelm you until you feel you are nothing, a loser, a victim and powerless to change your life or with the translation of light from Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces (the Moon carries these energies into the eclipse), force you to let the wave of all those thoughts, the “he said, she said,” the “this is important, this isn’t,” all the rudeness, discontent, criticism, gossip you have let enter the chamber of your hearts and labels you have slapped on beautiful self, wash over you and there, find you still exist, are somehow still here and somehow you are quite unique.

Somehow quite unique, you say? What does that mean? Well, you have the next 5 or 6 months to work that out as the void created fills in with a whole new cast of characters and vistas.

Will you be discontent with the way things are? Yes. Will you be able to be fulfilled by what you found important up until now? No. Is there anything concrete to take its place just yet? No. But, we both know, you can’t fool yourself or be fooled by others any longer.

The truth is, no matter how compelling the physical world is, if your mind and soul aren’t into it, no matter how enticing or beautiful, you won’t be able or inspired to do anything. Think of a beautiful man or woman sitting there who just pissed you off, you wouldn’t be able to embrace them, would you? You just won’t be able to convince yourself to do things that don’t express your unique individuality anymore. Period.


A strange inner composure and patience has replaced your usually rash and impulsive behavior…or so it seems. Yes, you have finally made some peace with yourself, God or whatever it is you believe in, but did you rush into this safety net of serenity a bit too fast? A couple years back you had a chance to start over after a particularly grueling test of strength. The catalyst could have been a job loss or just some abstract change in your daily life from having to take a different route to work, a run-in with a new technology, added responsibilities on the home front, or a person or two moving in or out of your home or work space. All the juggling forced you to be more diligent and careful. It also made you slow down enough to see some cool new people to team up with… which you probably did.

Of course, letting these few new people into your life caused a few episodes of the usual freak-out you go through when you can’t get your way all the time. So, you might have slapped your hand on the table and said, “…enough, go, leave, I don’t need you.” At that particular moment, where in the past no one dared to tread or counter you, you surprisingly got to hear their last words before they stormed out; words of truth, maybe quite mean, darts of gossip about you that shockingly made you confront yourself. Yes, you actually took those words to heart. You actually said they might have some truth to them and you were hurt, not only by what they said, but by seeing how your loneliness these past years (whether you are in relationship or not) was primarily caused by your addiction to your willfulness.

Now, some of these people survived and like a rubber band pulled tightly have snapped back into your life. You can’t get rid of them, and neither do you want to. But, the eclipse asks, were they just messengers and mid-wives of your new found Self …with a time limit to their presence in your life or are they going the distance with you?

Once Jupiter re-enters your sign next year, before you get all full of yourself, your new found jolly life or full of frustration, it might be good to stop now for a few moments and see who you are taking with you for the rest of the journey.


It’s hard to decipher if your steady and pragmatic way of speaking about a particular deal or person you’ve invested in, stems from your secure footing while navigating this material world or is it just covering up an obsession with “having” this particular someone or something. I would lean toward obsession, because the eclipse points to emotion driving the force behind these choices and not logic. Your justifications for making these purchases (of love or material goods) based on the emotional fulfillment they give, has worn down some people around you, maybe even worried them a bit and could possibly have run you into a bit of a debt.

Why this sudden impracticality in such a normally down-to-earth sort of person? A few years back you may have had a moment or two of wanderlust, an exciting new person, a new friendship, a flirt, an exciting possibility, or even a run-in with a travel guide or a show or a distant online companion that sent your imagination soaring. You worked hard for years, always putting your needs aside and this event, this person, this thing just made you get all warm inside. You could feel the heat radiating through your hands and you just wanted to touch it, savor it and feel the love of it.

You have learned how to feel now, not just sensually, but also with your heart, your soul and an entire new vocabulary and value system emerged from this fountain of new-found emotion.

The thing is… as you are expressing these new “values” and your investment in them to others, you are hearing yourself say the most insanely “cliché” things. You are also not quite sure it’s what you really want, but there’s this thing now that you’ve invested in and can’t let go.

The trick is, as you talk about it with others and they smile or cringe, take a few moments to feel deep in your gut whether what you’re pursuing is really supportive to you or not. This particular person or thing might not be, but now you know you need something like it.


At some point these last few years most of you Gemini star signs got at least one good relationship, a work related or romantic one and if not with another person, definitely a much better relationship with yourselves.

The flow of conversation between you and others has tempered as you have grown a bit more secure, because this eclipse shows you feel now as well as think, so the head and heart have merged on some level, enough to bridge their usual split within you. Years of discontent have been washed away because you know how to savor and enjoy what and who you have in your life already.

No longer of two minds, (as they say now the heart has its own brain), the focus has been on expression, and in order to express, either creatively or as a personality, there has to be another, at least one other, to listen, appreciate and respond to you in some way. You have attracted quite a potpourri of audiences and some quite helpful, even more so than you could expect. Others even opened doors to experiences you’ve always wanted. Just for the record, these performances were rehearsals. The show hasn’t really started and many “lovely” and generous new players may enter over the next 6 months.

The only thing that can sabotage this new beginning is if you stubbornly adhere to your old methods of doing things. I know they were fantastic, original, clever and amazing feats of organization and integration. I know they “should” have been more successful and that you absolutely deserve the recognition for whatever it is you are doing, but you must embrace “the new” whether it is technology, networking or a strange new group of people.

Those of you embracing the unusual and unprecedented will more than succeed. Those of you that don’t go toward new vistas may end up in that strange world of paranoia, control and obsession some Gemini venture into and never get out of.


Cancer the crab has been pretty cramped there in its shell these past few years of retreat. Yes, you were forced into seclusion in a way, even though outwardly it may have looked like you were scrambling around the beach. Some of you crabs even lost your shells and have had to build temporary homes out of beach trash, but you survived. Cancers are very resilient even though they are very sensitive. Your resiliency comes from being a Cardinal sign, which means you take action; you can act on your thoughts and ideas and this you will do in the coming months.

Where is the action taking place? The action is taking place in the details of your everyday life. One part of you is probably thinking…”Oh, that’s boring” and the other: “Well, does it mean I’ll have a better lifestyle?”…right?

You generally tend to play it safe until you have a relatively stable base and then you go and gamble for excitement or to double your winnings. Daily life hasn’t had its share of excitement at all recently, probably because of a cash flow problem or just plain disinterest. At least, that is what you are saying to yourself. But, it would be interesting if you took another look right now at what you’ve gone through these past months and you will see, there was quite a lot of excitement and challenge, just not exactly how you planned and as fast and as cozy as you would have liked it.

It’s taking off slowly and feels weird because you need to recover before setting out on a new path. I would suggest trying out a variety of new lifestyles, jobs and even relationships, so you can get a sense of what is really out there for you and not just moan and groan about the loss and disappointment of what you imagined a secure life means, white picket fence and all.

There are quite a few strange new experiences, even in strange new lands, with bizarre new people if you let yourself improvise daily life for a while.


Leo is a fire that burns steadily, but it doesn’t have a spark, sparks are Aries’ responsibility, and with the recent retrograde and the effects of the eclipse there was a moment there where the fire almost died.

It’s hard for Leos to keep momentum when they are being thrown buckets of emotional water from unassuming fans, friends, enemies and cohorts.

Leo tends to keep some people close by as an audience for those last minute performances that recap their recent life experiences and as a payment back, the audience gets experience and warmth.

Leos need this feedback because this is the lifetime they intended to build a strong sense of self and a healthy ego. Only with a strong healthy Ego can the exuberant universal creative potentials express through your vehicle. This feedback comes to Leo with a high price tag because these relationships need tending and feeding, these folks can’t survive on endless entertainment and expression. So, even though Leo is ruled by the Sun who shines on all, all day, even reflected all night by the moon, there are eclipse days where the light dims. The masses can’t be fed, because nothing grows in the dark.

This is all probably a bit disconcerting because you were probably thinking, it’s totally unfair the Earth got in the way and turned the lights off and cast you into the shadows. You are probably even resentful you always have to be combusting like the Sun all the time, wouldn’t you want to just reflect for a while like the Moon and glide on past success.

And all this happens just when you had gotten off to a good start. You thought you were on the high road. There were all these new opportunities presenting themselves and everything just fizzled and went dark. Friends are burdens, work has lost its luster and you can’t seem to find that endless, sometimes naïve and childlike enthusiasm you once had available even in hard times.

What did this show you? Well, the eclipse only lasted 72 minutes, and like everything in nature, things change, the Sun rose this morning and so did you. Yes, you are endless and infinite but your pocketbook and energy isn’t, so next time, let’s lose a couple of those friends with water buckets full of opinions and criticisms, make sure you have a few Aries around in case the fire goes out and don’t take it all so personally. This was all just a test to make sure you know you can survive even if all is lost, there is no one there to help and the future looks like a desert.

Over the next few months, you’re going a second round… you get another chance.


What is it that makes us struggle so hard to have a vocation in life, an aim or social recognition? Is it an innate Human need or is it just a bunch of random bids for being on the top of the food chain to preserve one’s life, to make it easier to access one’s survival needs?

You’ve struggled hard and diligently over the last years to secure a safe base of operations and you have learned the language of the social matrix. After this tour of the Tower of Babel, you find it hasn’t really reached God or safely secured your place in heaven, but it has, as unfinished a Tower is was and is, altered your view of reality and shaken you from complacency.

Though your foundation is quite strong because you started off well and patiently, the erratic input from “others”, whether partners or rivals, has rushed your steady and methodic building process. Their suggestions are way ahead of what is, talking of what will be, the fame, the fortune, the better life. The gratification they speak of is of the instant and the imaginary kind, not the fulfilling kind you are building up. They are stealing away the joy of your unique experience in getting somewhere. It’s like telling someone you got your first job and pay check (which is just so fulfilling for you) and they go and say well once you are executive and have a company car, etc etc…That will just keep you in longing and not in the present fulfillment of a job well done.

A few interesting and short-term contacts though, may soon recommend some innovative working methods to speed up your technique. The trick is to learn the short cuts, enjoy the process, learn all the details if you need to do repairs later and avoid listening to those voices that lead you to doubt that you are just where you are supposed to be, right now.


Recently, time has somehow slowed down enough in your inter-personal relationships space, so much so, that you can finally perceive the ways people see you and you perceive yourself through their eyes. For a precious few years in time, you get that extra split second to catch a glimpse of your personality expressing itself before it expresses itself. This has granted you the magical ability, like those sci-fi slow motion moments or those moments right before an accident, to stop time just enough to do a dozen complicated maneuvers and save the day with understanding, wisdom and humor.

You finally realize (and this might depress you if you think of the past), how many of your relationships could have ended up differently if you had more of this “special time” to respond to the attacks you get from your significant others (Libras tend to attract combative types). You also may have realized that you can pull out the good and the bad in another to a certain extent and that possibility may be frightening.

Nevertheless, you are tired of all this soul-searching and all these meanings, words and psycho-babble. A deeper, needier part of yourself is calling out and crying for nurturing, safety and care. Your relationship to nurturing and being nurtured and how you were nurtured as a child will come up for review during the next 6 months.

You need real support now to pull off your future debut into the social matrix, leave your mark on the history of culture and civilization and play your role in this virtual reality show. You need some semblance of roots somewhere desperately now, so grow them, either on your own or preferably with someone or your clan. Will you be able to accomplish this in a day? No. A complete renovation/revolution has to take place before the new "home" is built and it may not be where and with whom you think. It will be a lot more far-out then your conventional imagination can dream up.

What is that mark? Well, it is definitely guided by compassion and has a dose of wanting to uplift others, like how art uplifts us or healing in some way indirectly or directly, but it’s grounded in what is comforting to us Humans like a warm voice on the radio and a plate of mash potatoes. It’s may be using far out technology or ideas, but it is familiar and something we all can relate to emotionally. It touches the heart.


You are probably just as surprised as others are about how much more communicative you have become. It is almost like when suddenly a foreign language gels in your mind and you can speak like a native or when you get to the point of learning a musical instrument so well you can finally jam. This quantum leap in communication though has a small but annoying consequence. Where in the past you could and were known for you great listening abilities, your sharp and deeply psychologically perceptive grasp of not only what people were saying on the surface but their true intent between the lines; now all this verbalizing has so engaged your resources that you may have failed to set up virus protection from the random and superficial ideas spewed out of the minds of many.

It might be time to download a filter, or find that special middle path of listening and expressing so your mind and nervous system don’t get infected by idle chit chat and nonsense. You need to stay focused.

In any case, your value just doubled, and you have more than figured out just how beautiful you are, and this has offered you a zesty-type of magnetic attractive power coupled with just the right words on your tongue, song in your heart and rhythm in your feet.

A lot of music in many cultures originated from people who traveled from town to town spreading news and telling stories of foreign lands in prose and song… like wandering minstrels. This eclipse sends you off with a few stories to tell, songs to sing and journeys to share; all valuable, all worth much coin in the bucket and all expressed near and far from your homeland. Some of these messages and stories even pass over oceans. Some bring mergers and experiences you never thought were possible.It’s all very exciting.


Maybe you didn’t notice (because Sagittarius is such a forward looking sign and is always gazing into the future) that these last years, the people around you have been exceptionally moody.

You also may not have noticed how much these other significant people in your life are draining the life blood out of you with their ups and downs. Why? Because even though others perceive quite clearly just how upbeat and fortunate you are and ride on your Jupiterian Grace, you are like a fish who doesn’t know what water is because it so immersed in it.

Anyway, you pretty much overdosed on the trials and tribulations, the incessant neediness and child-like demands. For your untiring patience and generosity, you have been rewarded by the universe with two special powers and a gift.

The first gift is the gift of gab. You now possess the ability to communicate with just about anyone, but this time, on their level of understanding, which may include grimaces, long silences, or by just plain handing them the baby bottle they need. You no longer find it necessary and have the wisdom now to know you don’t need to “educate” everyone. Some people need to stay back an entire lifetime in nursery school and that is just the way it is.

The second power is the reappearance of an ability you always had: To make things all work out for the best just by being there.

The gift: Well…as Uranus throws the lightning bolt that is going to shake up the ground under your family foundation, change things unexpectedly, rearrange the people, places and things, the where, with whom and when… the gift is, all those really close to you and those you care about most, will land on their feet, safe, successful and much happier than before. Give the cosmic postman a few months to deliver that package.


Though always focused on your target, these past few years have found you wading through puddles of thoughts and seas of information. You have tried to bravely conquer not only the world of necessity but also indulge in your need for personal and emotional contact (something Capricorns usually deny themselves for the sake of duty).

You used a method, a strategy, a logical emotional formula, you said, “I will just pretend it is alright and smile, in that way the others will know I am feeling them and I will fulfill their needs without protest.” Unfortunately, you really didn’t want to do any of the things you were asked to, either by workmates or partners and those repressed feelings oozed out of your Beingness into the general atmosphere and made those others feel guilty, well, you made them feel guilty unconsciously, even though on the surface you said it’s all okay.

Now, everybody knows you are feeling a bit resentful for all you have done and you agreed to a lot of bad arrangements. You now have 6 months to think out of the box, change the contracts and learn how to communicate your true feelings, even if it means you won’t get social acceptance.

If you don’t you may just slip into that insidiously bizarre Ego trip of “martyr” which will make you life, just plain boring and uncomfortable for others. The point of this entire time is for you to have “real” relationships that grow and change. Rules and formulas as tools to face the unknown challenges that lie ahead... yes! Rules to follow at all costs and stamp on all situations regardless, just because it is right and proper...no!


You used to be a master at hiding your feelings, but no longer. This new display of feeling and emotion may have shocked quite a few of your friends. Some have already probably commented that there is something strange going on with you and hope that you please return to your normally detached and aloof self.

You were much lower maintenance when you were detached or rather people knew where to place you and your limits. Those friends who don’t like the change can go.

On a more personal level, you may have found these emotions a bit overwhelming. Until you figure out how to express these new feelings in words, you probably are going to be a seething bundle of overwhelming energies and most likely panic from time to time.

Hopefully you will figure out a way to deal with your and other people’s outbursts because this is definitely going to pay off over the next 6 months.

Somehow and in some way (you can never tell with Uranus), some great financial opportunities will come your way (because of your more Human emotions), some incredible shifts in your earning power that catapult you into an entirely new group scene with a lot more exciting people and a much greater utilization of your quirky genius. Join, sign the contracts, “go for it,” by spring.

An added perk from all this is an extra sparkle in your eye, increased flirting ability (people finally notice you on the street and in the workplace) and/or deeper and warmer relationships with your children and lovers. It is wonderful when the intelligence of Aquarius is coupled with the warmth of an open heart and a warm responsive body.


It’s a bit uncomfortable to be a grown-up and react like a two-year old, but you noticed some of those very hardened emotional patterns that have absolutely ruled your life until now are not only holding you back, but are embarrassing you socially.

You may have seen them functioning recently at home; how you charm yourself out of responsibility or become demanding and obstinate at times. This all clues us into some skipped necessary stages of growth.

You might have also become aware of a coping mechanism you used as a child to protect your sensitivity and compassionate soul. There were a few ways you could have accomplished this: Either you escaped into a idealized dream world, art form, or addiction or leaned to the opposite extreme of overcompensation (good boy and girl syndrome), Good Samaritan, disciplinarian and constant worrier. Both expressions created an ingrained reactive pattern that you used like a magic pill in all situations, even if uncalled for.

So, what’s up for you now? You have to figure out how to get that security and protection you need in an honest way. It means communicating in “real-time” with no facades and keeping situations where they are, not upping them to idealized states. It means also not just doing what you want at the expense of others and using them for security and excusing your laziness with spiritually charismatic platitudes and smiles.

If you heed these warnings and get real, and learn how to really balance that checkbook, be a good friend and lover, fill your tummy with food and cut wood for the fireplace; the universe will bless you will out-of–the-blue financial opportunities that will fling you into the lifestyle (and meaningful one at that)… you so desire.

For those of you who know your Ascendant, you can read the predictions for that sign as well. For those of you who want to know your Ascendant, you can go to Astrodienst and download or view your Natal chart. The website offers a variety of free applications and charts.


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