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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

As new year approaches, will Lakers show more resolve?

Coming off an embarrassing Christmas Day loss to Miami, Lakers show a new 'feisty' streak at practice, according to Coach Phil Jackson. But the next two games, Tuesday at San Antonio and Wednesday at New Orleans, will be major tests.

December 27, 2010|By Mike Bresnahan

After a Christmas Day game to forget, the Lakers met again Monday amid claims of an added feistiness at practice, the need to move the ball more often and, in Ron Artest's case, a desire for more playing time.

The Lakers are a mess, last week serving as their worst in recent memory as lopsided losses to Milwaukee and Miami nudged the franchise off balance for the second time in a month, following a four-game losing streak that ended Dec. 3.

Kobe Bryant actually practiced Monday, a rarity for a 32-year-old who hadn't scrimmaged more than a handful of times this season. He didn't talk about it afterward with reporters, letting his words after the Miami debacle continue to speak for themselves as the Lakers headed into tricky back-to-back games in San Antonio and New Orleans.

"I didn't hear anything verbal" at practice, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. "He just went out and played hard."

The practice was closed to media members, but Jackson said his players "got feisty with each other. That's good. Competitive."

Artest had a couple of small scratches under his right eye, presumably acquired during the previous two hours, but said he didn't remember how he got them. He did, however, suggest that he should get more playing time after a fourth consecutive game under 24 minutes.

He had eight points in 21 minutes against Miami on Saturday and did not appreciate sitting out the fourth quarter. He is averaging only 7.6 points, sixth on the team, and shooting a ragged 39%.

"From an offensive standpoint, I was going pretty well, almost having a semi-breakout game," he said. "I felt good in the last couple games. It's just unfortunate I'm not able to work my way off the bench at crucial times. I've just got to continue to work out like I do, stay sharp."

The Lakers (21-9) are the opposite of sharp, their record puffed up by having played only six games against teams with winning records. They are 2-4 against such teams but get another chance to prove themselves Tuesday in San Antonio after flopping against Miami.

"We've been through this before," Jackson said. "Three out of the last four Christmases have been kind of bummers for us."

The Lakers appeared to be on solid footing after going 5-1 on a trip against weaker competition, but then they scored 79 points against Milwaukee and 80 against Miami.

Jackson blamed it on lack of ball movement. He also wondered about the players' off-court mind-set.


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